University of Chicago
Ph.D., Committee on Social Thought, 1998
St. John’s College, Annapolis
B.A., 1986
The Dance of the Muses: Choral Theory and Ancient Greek Poetics, Oxford University Press, 2006
‘I Am A Forgotten Man’: Yuri’s Odyssey, lulu.com, 2007 (under André Kesing)
Plato’s New Measure: The ‘Indeterminate Dyad’, Mother Pacha, 2011

‘I Am A Forgotten Man’: Yuri’s Odyssey (2nd edn.), Mother Pacha, 2011
The Tale Of The Pig Man, or Waking Up, Mother Pacha, 2011
Past Your Ear: Collected Poems 2004-2011, Mother Pacha, 2011
Over The Moon, Mother Pacha, 2012
Bullroarer: Poems Of Prophecy And Whimsy, Mother Pacha, 2012
Visiting Lecturer, Greek and Roman Studies, Department of Classics, Peradeniya University, 2019-
Assistant Professor of Ancient Greek and Homeric Studies
European College of Liberal Arts, Berlin, 2005-6

Tutor (Assistant Professor)
St. John's College, Annapolis, 1998-2005
Basic Program of Liberal Education for Adults, University of Chicago, 1990-98
Private Instructor in Greek
University of Chicago, 1994-8
St. John's College, Annapolis, 1998-2005
Independent tutor, 2006—
Teaching Assistant
Department of Classical Languages and Literature, University of Chicago, Spring 1990
Research Assistant to Arthur Adkins

Department of Classical Languages and Literature, University of Chicago, Autumn 1989 - Spring 1990
A new approach to the interpretation of epic and lyric poetry through rhythmic and harmonic analysis, made possible by a new theory of the Greek accent
the reconstruction of ancient choral performance and drama
All things Greek up to the classical era, but especially Greek poetry and poetics
philosophical prose and verse up to and including Aristotle
the mathematical tradition up to Ptolemy
Herodotus and Thucydides
Classic liberal arts readings in translation, up to the modern era

Century Fellow, University of Chicago, 1986-90
‘“I Know Thee Not Old Man”’: The Renunciation of Falstaff,’ in Literary Imagination Ancient and Modern: Essays in Honor of David Grene, University of Chicago Press, 1999
‘Plato and the Measure of the Incommensurable, Part I: The Paradigms of Theaetetus,’ St. John’s Review, Vol. XLVI, No. 1 (2000)
‘Part II: Plato’s New Measure: The Mathematical Meaning of the Indeterminate Dyad,’ St. John’s Review, Vol. XLVI, No. 2 (2002)
‘On the Origin of the Trochaic Caesura and the Bucolic Diaeresis,’ Ziva Antika, vol. 51, 2001
‘The Dance of the Muses: the Origin of the Homeric Hexameter,’ Proceedings of the 2nd World Congress on Ancient Greece and the Modern World, University of Patras, 2003
‘“I Know You, What You Were”: The use and abuse of “tradition” in interpreting ancient Greek poetry,’ in Language, Culture and the Individual: A Tribute to Paul Friedrich, Lincom Europa, 2005

‘Seven Fatal Flaws in the Attempt to Derive the Dactylic Hexameter from Aeolic Cola,’ Classica: Revista Brasileira de Estudos Classicos, vol. 25, 2012
‘The Classical Interlude: A Law of Reecessive Tonal Accent for ‘Classical’-era Indo-European’, Revista do Laboratório de Dramaturgia, 4:2 (2017), 229-37
‘David on Blankenborg on A. P. David, The Dance of the Muses: Choral Theory and Ancient Greek Poetics, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2007.05.12, http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/bmcr/2007/2007-05-12.html
‘Homer and the Brain’, moreintelligentlife.com, Dec. 11, 2007
‘Reading Herodotus’, moreintelligentlife.com, Dec. 24, 2007
‘Herodotus and the Power of Women’, moreintelligentlife.com, Jan. 25, 2008
‘Herodotus and the Verdict of History’, moreintelligentlife.com, Jan. 30, 2008
‘Herodotus and Bad Fate’, moreintelligentlife.com, Feb. 14, 2008
‘Herodotus and Oracular Obscurity’, moreintelligentlife.com, April 30, 2008
‘The Shield of Achilles: Remembering Homer, Literally’, q-mag.org, 2018
‘“I Know Thee Not, Old Man”: the Renunciation of Falstaff’ (Basic Program of Liberal Education, University of Chicago, 1991)
‘The Music of Dubliners’ (Basic Program of Liberal Education, University of Chicago, 1992)
‘Discoveries of Incommensurability: Meno’s Geometry and Beyond’ (First Friday Series, University of Chicago, 1993)
‘“You Will Tear Your Gown”: Sexuality and Parables of Paths and Barriers in Jane Austen’ (First Friday Series, University of Chicago, 1994)
‘“He Had A Spear Eleven Cubits Long”: Hector and the Women of Troy’ (First Friday Series, University of Chicago, 1997)
‘On Pronouncing Ancient Greek’ (St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1998)
‘On Hector and the Women of Troy’ (Friday Lecture Series, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1999)
‘The Dance of the Muses and Homeric Poiesis’ (Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago, 2000)
‘Rhythm and Metre in Homer and Sophocles’ (St. John’s College, 2000)
‘Χορεία Μουσῶν,’ with Miriam Rother: a fully choreographed performance of Homeric and lyric poetry, including the second chorus (“Ode to Man”) from Sophocles’ Antigone; performed by the St. John’s Choreutai (St. John’s College, Annapolis, March and November 2001)
‘Metrical Forms in Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex’ (St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2001)
‘The Dance of the Muses: the Origin of the Homeric Hexameter’ (2nd World Congress on Ancient Greece and the Modern World, Olympic Centre for Hellenic Studies, Olympia, Greece, 2002)
‘Χορεία Μουσῶν: Aeschylus’ Agamemnon,’ with Miriam Rother: a fully choreographed rendering of the opening chorus, performed by the St. John’s Choreutai (St. John’s College, Annapolis, November 2002 & 2003)
‘“I Know You, What You Were”: The use and abuse of “tradition” in interpreting ancient Greek poetry’ (Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago, 2003)
‘The Feminine Abstract and the Neuter Essential: Singular and Plural in Ancient Greek’ (Friday Lecture Series, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2003)
‘Epic Movement: The Genesis and the Form of Homeric Poetry’ (St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2004)
‘The Form of the Hexameter: On the Origin of Caesura and Diaeresis’ (American Philological Association, Annual Meeting, Boston, 2005)
‘Why the Homeric Question Matters’ (European College of Liberal Arts, Berlin, 2005)
‘Introduction to Homer’ (European College of Liberal Arts, Berlin, 2005)
‘Gods in Homer’ (European College of Liberal Arts, Berlin, 2005)
‘The Most Tragic of Poets: On Euripides’ Hecuba’ (European College of Liberal Arts, Berlin, 2005)
‘The Woman of Phthia: Notes to Plato’s Crito’ (European College of Liberal Arts, Berlin, 2005)
‘Locked Out at the Gate: on Mansfield Park’ (European College of Liberal Arts, Berlin, 2006)
‘“Swear By My Sword”: Word Play and Hamlet’ (European College of Liberal Arts, Berlin, 2006)
‘On Epiphany and the Imitation of Reality: Joyce’s Portrait of the Artist’ (European College of Liberal Arts, Berlin, 2006)
‘Epic Movement’ (Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago, 2008)
‘Some Home Truths About Homer's Iliad’ (First Friday Series, University of Chicago, 2008)
‘Days of Wonder: Seeing the Universe Electrically’ (The Human Story: Electric Universe Conference, Las Vegas, 2012)
‘Behold! Troy Towns, Homer’s Iliad and Labyrinths’ (The Tipping Point: Electric Universe Conference, Albuquerque, 2013)
‘The Song of the Muse’ (O Futuro do Passado: XIX Congresso da Sociedade Brasileiro de Estudos Clássicos, Brasilia, 2013)
‘On Lyric Epiphany’, with Miriam Rother, University of Goiania, 2013
‘On the Laws of Nature’ (All About Evidence: Electric Universe Conference, Albuquerque, 2014)
‘Dance of the Muses: The Performance of Greek Verse’ (Robert O. Fink Memorial Fund Lecture in Classics, Kenyon College, Gambier, 2015)
‘The Metaphysics of Michael Faraday’ (Paths of Discovery: Electric Universe Conference, Phoenix, 2015)
‘Introduction to Homer’ (Department of Classical Languages, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 2015)
‘The Shield of Achilles: Remembering Homer, Literally’ (Celestial Crisis and the Human Record: Planet Amnesia Productions, Toronto, 2016)